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Forest Dark and Stars Above | 13'
Siren, blind | 8'
Three Pieces for Orchestra | 6'
Juvenilia | 8'
Oranges: 4 Pastorals | 8'
Violin Concerto | 35'
Piano Concerto | 27'
Flute Concerto | 17'
Pull Pin and Throw (tbn/orch) | 18'
Trivial Pursuits (vln/orch) | 8'
Theme and Variations (tbn/orch) | 10'
Desplazamiento (picc/orch) | 8'
Souvenir (flt/hrp/string orch.) | 8'
Czardashian Rhapsody (vln/orch) | 6'
Totentanz (vln/orch) [Liszt, arr. Kennedy/St. John] | 15'
Violin Sonata (vln/orch) [Corigliano, arr. Kennedy] | 30'
Wind Ensemble
Front Toward Enemy | 6'
Chamber Ensemble
Drift (tpt./clt./string orch.) | 5F
Suite (string quartet) | 15'
Four Welsh Forms (ob/sopsx/hrp/gtr/vln) | 5'
Distraction (vln/vla/gtr) | 6'
Trio (flt/vcl/pno) | 6'
Stanislas (piano trio) | 3'
Trivial Pursuits (vln/pno) | 8'
Czardashian Rhapsody (vln/pno) | 6'
These Parting Gifts (2vln/pno) | 11'
Variations on Being Alone (solo violin) | 13'
Dry Falls (2 guitars) | 15'
Hammer/Bell (2 guitars) | 3'
The Proof of Darkness (six violas) | 6'
Even Stone (solo violoncello) | 1'
Four Songs (flt/pno) | 16'
Desplazamiento (picc/pno) | 8'
Souvenir (flt/pano) | 3'
A Pantry Ballet in Four Acts (flute choir) | 14'
Six Miniatures (clt/pno) | 13'
Five Complaints (wind quartet) | 9'
Fables (bsn/2 perc) | 14'
Theme and Variations (tbn/pno) | 10'
Envoi (hrn/pno) | 5'
Bandshell Fanfare (brass quintet) | 3'
Persistence (trombone quartet) | 8'
Distant Channels (basstbn/perc) | 7'
No, You Go Ahead, I’ll Catch Up (basstbn/pno) | 3'
Brass Quintet | 9'
The Yellow Wallpaper - An Opera in Three Parts | 1 hour
An Affirmation (SATB) | 5'
When Darkness Falls (sop/pno) | 5'
all one they were (sop/pno) | 5'
My Beloved is Mine (sop/gtr) | 3'
Salve, Regina (ten/2 vlns) | 4'
Ave, maris stella (ten/2 vlns) | 5'
Alma Redemptóris Mater (ten/2 vlns) | 5'
The Touch of Dreams (ten/clt/pno) | 12'
Tomb Sonnets (countertenor/viols) | 14'
Chansons sans paroles (countertenor/viols) | 5'
Shall I Come, Sweet Love (sop/hrp) | 7'
The Lamb (boychoir/string trio) | 5'
Piano Sonata | 30'
A Departure (pianon solo) | 5'
Basso Ostinato (piano solo) | 3'
Barcarolle (piano solo) | 5'Toccata (piano solo) | 5'
All Hands on Dec (ten pianos) | 8'
Ballistics (2 pianos) | 8'
Electronic Audio
This Place is Gonna Blow
processed klaxon horn | 3'17"
She says we're alone
Teenage Engineering OP-1 | 6'02"
Four Canons for Four Organs
Posing as a Russian Nesting Doll
four organs (well-tempered, 17-note scale,
29-note scale, & 48-note scale) | 3'20"
"I am Doctor Brahms! Johannes Brahms!"
electronic tape | 7'51"

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